Opening the cabinets and refrigerator at home, many discover that they have no food to eat-or rather, no food that they want to eat. Like many others, we run out to the grocery store or restaurant and get something to eat. However, for many in our community, opening the cabinets, they often find that there is nothing to eat-the cabinets are completely bare.
The Salvation Army of Middletown works to meet the needs of those in that emergency situation. Through our Middletown Worship and Service Center, families and individuals that find their cabinets bare are provided with a three-day supply of emergency food, enough to provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each member of the family during that time.
To date in 2012, more than 3,100 families have been assisted in the greater Middletown area.
However, food pantry shelves are often bare due to the increased number of people seeking assistance. Community members and groups are welcome to bring perishable and non-perishable food items to our Middletown Worship and Service Center, located at 1914 First Avenue in Middletown. Each item donated goes towards making sure that no one in our community goes hungry.